Time to Awaken - Matthew 26:41

Monday March 21

Time to Awaken - Matthew 26:41 (NIV)

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.  The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”


Many times in our busyness, we get too familiar with the same thing.  We begin to play the same music and may read the same Scripture passage over and over again without contemplating its meaning.  We get caught up with doing, and we begin to get lazy.  We might even skip a reading or just listen to the music and not really listen to the words of a hymn. 

Instead, do we allow the music and words to really minister to our spiritual man instead of our natural man? 

Sometimes we get spiritually lazy, or we get tired of waiting for the promise that the Lord has given us.  It has happened in my life on occasion and when it does, I have to rebuke the spirit of slumber and declare that I choose to be alert and read the Word of God.  I get up and begin to walk around reading the Word.  Even when I listen to the same song repeatedly, I ask the Holy Spirit to help me to worship Him in spirit and truth.  I speak to my flesh and say “Flesh, you are not going to rule me,” and I submit my will to be lead by the Spirit of God.

I think about the time when Jesus was praying in the garden with Peter and the two sons of Zebedee.  Jesus gave them clear direction to keep watch with Him.  It seemed like an easy assignment but instead they fell asleep on the job that Jesus had given them.  I understand since I have done this, too. 

Sometimes our assignments from God are long and hard, and our flesh does get weak, because we are human beings.  But I pray that we would wake up and begin to see the hour that we are living in.  

Have we, the church, fallen asleep at this hour? 

I pray that we would wake up and say yes to Jesus.  “I will be faithful and obey you.”  It is time for me to quit being spiritually lazy on the job that God has given me.  I repent and say, “Jesus, wake me up to finish the task that you have given me.”

During this Lenten season, allow the Spirit of God to awaken you in a new, fresh way.

Dear Father God,
Awaken our spirit to be renewed and refreshed by your Word, to face our daily tasks and the work you would have us do for your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name we pray.


Patricia Main (Cree) - Lawrence, Kansas

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