On Board with God - Week 6 (Monday Morning Devotion)

We just spent six weeks discovering “What is Hope?” and now it’s time to share that hope.

The next six weeks will revolve around starting conversations that lead to proclaiming God’s Word and His Will for all mankind - a restored relationship with Him.

Need to start at the beginning? Read Week 1 here.

One of my favorite Scriptures is Genesis 1:26-30.

When God created humans, He gave us the ability and responsibility to shape and create culture. He trusts us to make the most of the natural world through environmental care, farming, engineering, and science. Likewise, He wants us to make the most of the social world in our families, schools, churches, governments, social work, and humanitarian development.

Then, sin entered the world. Many aspects of God's creation became broken—including each of us as individuals. But, God still restores us when we surrender our lives to Him! And as He remakes us, He reminds us of our responsibility: to help shape and create restoration in our natural and social world. The way this happens is through people.

Your challenge, then, is to take up that mission, and—whether as a parent, mentor, manager, small group leader, friend, or whatever role you play—make the most of the opportunities you have to develop others through your everyday, restorative conversations. When you do, God is glorified, people are remade, and God's creation becomes a bit more like He intended it to be!

Pray: God, I want to help You remake the world around me. I’m signing up for Your plans to use me today!

If you enjoyed this Bible Plan, you’ll love the full, free Conversations e-book. Download it, and gift it to a friend today. Then find your next devotion.

(These devotions are based on: “Conversations” created by Life.Church)


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