Nebraska/Winnebago LIM Nebraska/Winnebago LIM

A Know-It-All (Lent) - Wednesday, March 14

One of the biggest challenges, for an outsider who enters the reservation, is to not come across as a know-it-all.  

At times, the more I share the stories of Mauna [God] the more I catch myself being a know-it-all. I get excited, and I play right into their understanding that the ‘white man’ Christian talks about God, as opposed to the Native talking to God, as they are often taught.

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What's in a Name?

"Some people are like lakes. They change very little as they age. Some people are like rivers. When you trace the Mississippi, or any other river at its source, it can be very small. Later on, it can be wide and strong. When it meets the ocean, it spreads out." In other words, names should change as the individual changes.

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