This Week in Native American News - January 27, 2017

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This Week in Native American News

The top five news stories brought to you by Lutheran Indian Ministries

Jan 26, 2017 03:50 pm

Gathering Of Nations - How about some good news... Gathering of Nations is coming soon! North America's Biggest Powwow is being held April 27-29 in Albuquerque. Get you tickets now: www.gatheringofna...

Jan 26, 2017 03:47 pm

Rumble at Sundance - The path from Niagara Falls to the Sundance Film Festival isn't well traveled, but a fascinating and little-known topic led the way for Tim Johnson. That topic was the deep and widespread influence of Native American musicians and singers on decades of American popular music, including rock, jazz and the blues in his film, "Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked The World." Read more:

Jan 26, 2017 03:46 pm

Mother Tongue Films - The Smithsonian’s Recovering Voices Initiative will present films from across the globe on the occasion of its second annual Mother Tongue Film Festival. The five-day festival will open on United Nations Mother Language Day, Tuesday, Feb. 21, and will feature work representing 33 languages across six continents. Read more: www.recoveringvoi...

Jan 26, 2017 03:40 pm

Native Health Careers - USD Sanford School of Medicine program encouraging Native Americans to pursue careers in healthcare. The goal is to increase the number of health care professionals on reservations. "Just as the rest of the United States is facing a shortage of healthcare professionals, it tends to be even worse in our reservation area." Read more:

Jan 26, 2017 03:38 pm

Indigenous People - Rep. Dean Westlake (D-Kotzebue) introduced a bill to establish the second Monday in October as an annual holiday in Alaska called “Indigenous Peoples Day.” “I’d like to bring Alaska to the forefront in showing support for Native peoples and cultures. We have lagged behind our neighbors in Canada in celebrating the importance of our first peoples,” said Westlake. Read more: alaska-native-new...


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