Stories of Reflection, Restoration and Renewal

Gary Ricke Gary Ricke

Event: Katherine Gottlieb: “His Hands Upon Me”

You are invited to a presentation by Katherine Gottlieb, who will share her life story of overcoming abuse and adversity, as told in her book "The True Story of an Alaska Native and Her Fight to End Abuse: His Hands Upon Me," focusing on the role of faith, healing, and resilience; the event is open to those aged 18 and older.

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Robert Heffle · Lutheran Indian Ministries Robert Heffle · Lutheran Indian Ministries


Discover Bev's inspiring journey towards recovery and the transformative power of surrounding yourself with supportive and understanding individuals who have experienced similar challenges - watch this video and be inspired to embark on your own path of healing and growth.

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Robert Heffle · Lutheran Indian Ministries Robert Heffle · Lutheran Indian Ministries


Watch this inspiring video and hear Bev's powerful testimony of never giving up on prayer, even during 28 years of addiction, as she shares her journey with Christ, offering words of encouragement and hope for anyone who may have strayed from church or is a new Christian.

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Reflections Pastor Ricky Jacob Reflections Pastor Ricky Jacob

The Power of Prayer

If someone wants to describe adequately the usefulness of pious, earnest prayer, he will, in my opinion, surely find a beginning more easily than a conclusion.

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Reflections Gary Ricke Reflections Gary Ricke

Oh God, Our Hope

If you’ve never read Chan or heard him speak, be prepared. He has a way of laying it all on the line. He attacks hard truths that will really make you think and reflect. Here, he explores the mysteries of God’s love for us.

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Reflections LIM Reflections LIM

Living By Faith: Heroes

When I was in 5th grade, we came across a house with smoke coming from the windows. I clearly remember my dad, without hesitation, turning to all the boys in the car and ordering us to stay as he left. Because of his bravery and selflessness, everyone made it out of the house.

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Reflections Pastor Ricky Jacob Reflections Pastor Ricky Jacob

The Making of Spiritual Warrior

Today's focus is on 'The Making of a Spiritual Warrior.' The training to make someone into a Spiritual Warrior is not a one-time event, nor is it a program to be completed. It is a cyclical ongoing and lifelong endeavor.

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