Encountering Jesus' Heart
Encountering Jesus' Heart
In this post we will dive into what it means to see people with Jesus’ eyes and love them with a heart like Jesus.
JOHN 4:1-30
LUKE 19:10
Encountering Jesus’ compassionate heart produces life. Jesus’ heart is for the lost, the broken, and the hurting. He came to demonstrate God’s never-ending love for creation. Time and time again, we see His heart moved with compassion and compelled by kindness toward the outcast.
Loving the Lost as Jesus Does
Jesus loved individuals. He came to save them. He came to save each of us. Often, however, we aren’t looking for salvation, we are looking to fix a problem right now. We are so distracted by our immediate needs that we miss the One who provides life. We look for earthly solutions, but Jesus knows we need something more.
Listen as an “Every Home for Christ” pastor explains this through the story of the woman at the well:

We were all enemies of God at one point, but someone came to us in our weakness and shared the love of Jesus. What we have freely received we must also freely give to those in need: mercy. The woman at the well never expected to have a fresh start in life, but Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
Likewise, the Native individuals we serve on a daily basis want a fresh start at life, and we begin by showing them Jesus’ heart through our actions. We become Jesus’ hands and feet to meet immediate needs and, in doing so, begin to reveal that there is something greater they need and a Savior who can provide it.
As we journey this next month toward Advent, join us on a mission to show Jesus’ sacrificial love to the lost and broken, in Native communities and in local neighborhoods.
We would like to thank Every Home For Christ for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.ehc.org