Ways to give

Gifts of Cash
Your gift of cash can be provided by either clicking this link to our donation page to give securely online, or you can send a check or money order, made out to Lutheran Indian Ministries, through the mail.
Address your gift to:
Lutheran Indian Ministries
15350 W. Capitol Drive
Brookfield, WI 53005-2622

Planned Gifts
Will or Trust
A will or trust allows you to express your own choices regarding the distribution of your possessions once your years on earth have ended. You may designate a percentage of your estate, or a dollar amount, or even a piece of real estate. Because the laws of each state are different, we encourage you to seek the advice of a qualified attorney before finalizing your will.
Beneficiary Designation
You may wish to name Lutheran Indian Ministries as a beneficiary of your financial account(s) or life insurance policy. Bank accounts, Certificates of Deposit, Individual Retirement Accounts, annuities, stocks and investment accounts are some examples of accounts that require beneficiaries.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) gives you the satisfaction of helping, while receiving the practical benefits of a fixed rate of return, along with some immediate tax benefits. Your rate of return, which does not change during your lifetime, is determined by your age at the time you create the CGA. After the death of the annuitant(s), the principal remaining in a CGA established with Lutheran Indian Ministries will be transferred to further our mission.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
When you establish a charitable remainder trust, you receive an income stream from the trust and significant tax savings for your lifetime, or terms of up to 20 years. At the conclusion of the term, the remaining trust assets will benefit Lutheran Indian Ministries.

Gifts of stock
Publicly traded Appreciated Securities that you have owned for more than one year can be transferred to Lutheran Indian Ministries. We then sell the securities and keep the proceeds, which can be applied to whatever purpose you designate. You get an income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities, while also eliminating a capital gains tax.

For more information and answers to your questions about any of these or other ways you can give to support Lutheran Indian Ministries, please send us a message or call us at (888) 783-5267