Stories of Reflection, Restoration and Renewal
Community Healing Through Scripture: A Journey in Copper Center, Alaska
Discover the journey from darkness to healing as Copper Center residents embrace trauma recovery through fellowship and faith.
Event: Katherine Gottlieb: “His Hands Upon Me”
You are invited to a presentation by Katherine Gottlieb, who will share her life story of overcoming abuse and adversity, as told in her book "The True Story of an Alaska Native and Her Fight to End Abuse: His Hands Upon Me," focusing on the role of faith, healing, and resilience; the event is open to those aged 18 and older.
Watch how divine intervention can bring healing and liberation beyond the limitations of treatment alone.
What You Can Do if You Feel You Don’t Have Value
Watch to learn how Bev overcomes self-doubt and rediscovers her value by connecting with her spiritual identity through scripture and the experiences of seasoned believers.
Discovering My True Identity in Christ: A Journey of Recovery and Personal Growth
If you knew me in my drinking days, I apologize.
Oh God, Our Hope
If you’ve never read Chan or heard him speak, be prepared. He has a way of laying it all on the line. He attacks hard truths that will really make you think and reflect. Here, he explores the mysteries of God’s love for us.
What is hope?
Many of our Native brothers and sisters live without the hope. This lack of hope covers them with a darkness that infiltrates their whole life.
Sacred Mysteries
If you’ve never read Chan or heard him speak, be prepared. He has a way of laying it all on the line. He attacks hard truths that will really make you think and reflect. Here, he explores the mysteries of God’s love for us.
Encountering Jesus' Heart
Listen as an “Every Home for Christ” pastor explains this through the story of the woman at the well.
Live like Job
Listen to Pastor Ricky Jacob as he looks at the story of Job and helps us discover how to live a life of faith like him.
Being Used by God
Listen to Pastor Ricky Jacob as he looks at the story of Job and helps us discover how to live a life of faith like him.
Doing Things That Matter
Dream Wildly | Live Differently | Love Recklessly | Lead Courageously
Love Everybody, Always
God’s idea isn’t that we would just give and receive love but that we could actually become love.
Starting the Conversation
Have you ever had one of those conversations that, even though you may not have realized it at the time, you later recognized as a life changing, "aha!" moment?
Prayer: What does Johann Gerhard say?
Pastor Ricky Jacob explores the 400-year old writings of Johann Gerhard and his thoughts on prayer.
Confession and Absolution. Start Fresh.
To confess one's sins to your Creator is to give them up to Him. By so doing, He has good news for you.
Oh God, Our Hope in Ages Past
Each year, our staff selects a Bible verse and a hymn to focus on at Jesus Our Savior Lutheran Preschool in Winnebago, Nebraska.