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This Week in Native American News (3/15/19): Winning Races, Supporting Teens, and Controlling Anger
This Week in Native American News (3/15/19): Winning Races, Supporting Teens, and Controlling Anger
Testifying to the Truth (Lent Devotion) - Friday, March 15
Lord, we thank you for your Son, Jesus, who washed clean the filthy slate of our “just deserts” and whose life, death, and resurrection gives us confidence in the promise of a "spirit-filled home" - eternal life with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Following Him (Lent Devotion) - Thursday, March 14
Lord, forgive us when we fall from grace by seeking our own glory. Thank you for the season of Lent when we reflect on the story of your Son's journey to the cross for us. Help us to follow in this season and the next. In Jesus' name, Amen.
The Eye of the Heart (Lent Devotion) - Wednesday, March 13
Dear Lord, thank you for being the true healer. Thank you for the way you have created my heart to be satisfied in you alone. Lord, I ask you to heal my heart so I can see you more clearly than I ever have before and live the life you desire me to have. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
The Stone is Rolled Away (Lent Devotion) - Tuesday, March 12
Heavenly Father, as we take time for reflection, help us to never forget the significance of the empty tomb, always looking forward to our Savior's return. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Into the darkness (Lent Devotion) - Monday, March 11
Heavenly Father, we thank you for supportive mentors and those people who walk alongside us in this difficult earthly life. Help us realize that you indeed speak to us through your Word, and when we walk through dark wildernesses you are always with us. Thank you for the sacrifice of your Son for our transgressions. In Jesus' name, Amen.
How will you spend this time with god? (Lent Devotion) - Saturday & Sunday, March 9 & 10
Over the next 41 days, before we arrive at Easter morning, how will you spend this time with God? And what is God preparing you for?
This Week in Native American News (3/8/19): Amazing Women, Free Pet Services, and Stolen Artifacts
This Week in Native American News (3/8/19): Amazing Women, Free Pet Services, and Stolen Artifacts
What do we value? (Lent Devotion) - Friday, March 8
Lord help us to rethink where our values lie. Help us to have a heart like John the Baptist and to live lives that guide your children to you, specifically the original inhabitants of this land. Amen.
Into the Desert (Lent Devotion) - Thursday, March 7
Dear Heavenly Father, help me to see the wounds in my heart that need to be cleaned, those caused by my own sin and the sin of others. Guide me to seek your healing as I move toward a closer relationship with you. Thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ, whose death and resurrection made this relationship possible. In His name, we pray. Amen.