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Advent: Pretending - Thursday, December 19
Christmas is about the miracle of God giving us a way back to Him through the birth of his Son into the fallen, miserable world we created because of our disobedience. What a miracle that was and is! There's no need to pretend Christmas is anything but the amazing gift it is!
Bringing Gifts
As in the case of the Wisemen, who brought gifts to honor the newborn King, we bring gifts of Christ and healing.
Advent: The Mess is the Message - Wednesday, December 18
The mess is the message in our lives. This season is often as much a season for short tempers, greed, and quarreling as it is for peace and goodwill toward men. We need God to rescue us, and He has! The Son of God humbles himself by being born into a mess to save those who have messed up lives. He has come, and he has saved us!
Advent: God's Path - Tuesday, December 17
God is always listening. He is waiting for you to ask, so He can open the door to His will and His purpose for you. But be prepared!
Advent: Light of the World - Monday, December 16
When Jesus was born, the Light entered the world. Then, when the tomb was open, the Light entered us! Now, we are called to live life as though we have the Light of life in us. We are to shine His light on the darkness that is all around us. People should look at us and say, “What is it that you have that brightens you up?”
Advent: Joyful Service - Sunday, December 15
Joy is beyond sentiment; it is beyond happiness (which depends on circumstances). Joy is the gift of God, through the grace of God. May you also find surprising joy this Advent.
Advent: Seeing God - Friday, December 13
But one thing we can know, everything points to Jesus. He didn't come in the way they thought he would - in a blaze of strength and glory! Instead, He would come in weakness, suffering, and death to save us from our sins. He would come in meekness and love to give his life for ours.
Seeing God requires us to see Jesus from his humble beginning in a manger to his suffering on a cross.
Advent: He is Able -Thursday, December 12
Isaiah said this of Jesus’ coming birth, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned” (Isaiah 9:2). He continues, “And he will be called, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (9:6).
Take heart this season! God, through his Son, Jesus, has come to our world. He knows our pain. He knows our struggles. Be encouraged!
Advent: Becoming a Child of God -Wednesday, December 11
In helping me find my identity, He called me to share this knowledge with other women.
I don’t only share the good in my life, I share the messy things. The things that brought me to my knees and helped me recognize I needed a Savior.
Advent: Our Prince of peace -Tuesday, December 10
When Jesus came to earth that first Christmas, He came as the prince of peace. That tiny baby would not be defeated. Herod thought he could stop the will of God by killing all the babies under two years old. But Jesus, the true King, demonstrated His mighty power and brings peace to all. Jesus always wins!