Luke 1:6 FNV

Zacharias and Elizabeth, mentioned in Luke 1, are a model for anyone who is facing physical or spiritual barrenness. The aged couple had an impeccable reputation, having faithfully and obediently served the Lord for many years (v.6). 

Luke awards to them a noble testimony, not only that they spent holy and upright lives among men, but also that they were righteous before God. This righteousness Luke defines briefly by saying that they walked in all the commandments of God. 

Therefore, our first study ought to be to approve ourselves to God; and we know that what he chiefly requires is a sincere heart and a pure conscience. Whoever neglects uprightness of heart, and regulates his outward life only by obedience to the law, neglects this order. For it ought to be remembered that the heart, and not the outward mask of works, is chiefly regarded by God, to whom we are commanded to look.

Secondly, obedience, that is, no man must frame for himself, at his own pleasure, a new form of righteousness unsupported by the Word of God, but we must allow ourselves to be governed by divine authority. 

Zachariah and Elizabeth had prayed for children, but none came. Yet instead of becoming bitter, they kept serving and obeying the Lord. In His time, God honored Zacharias and Elizabeth with a son named John, the one who would prepare the way for the Messiah.

Trust God to bless you in His time, in His way, and according to His plan.

[A compilation of pieces from "Our Daily Bread" and "Calvin's Commentary"]

They were in good standing in the eyes
of the Great Spirit, and with good and pure hearts
they walked a straight path, staying true
to the tribal ways and traditions
given them by the Great Spirit.
Luke 1:6 FNV


Monday Morning Devotion - Laughing & Crying


This Week in Native American News - July 1, 2016