Ice Road Faith: November 30

“. . . We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.”
Matthew 2:2 (NIV)

 I often wonder about the wise men that stepped out in faith and followed the star. What motivated them? Would I have had the courage to step out in faith, risk everything and follow the star like they did? They truly must have been amazing people. Very wise, yet willing to risk. They even stood up to Herod, the wicked and evil ruler at that time, not knowing what the consequences would be.

 I believe that God asks us all to follow Him wherever He may lead and whatever risk it may seem to take. In a few days, I plan to head to Muskrat Dam, Ontario for a ministry trip as I sense God calling me to go. I am looking forward to it as I plan on taking the ice roads. It is just beautiful to be hundreds of miles into the bush. It is so incredibly quiet with only the sound of a bird or possibly the call of a wolf in the far off distance. But, there is risk. The lakes are always lurking and waiting for you. Most winters there is no concern, and they are frozen deep, thick, and sold. Eighteen-wheelers slowly work their way across them and so a smaller pick-up, like I will probably be in, should be no problem.

 This winter, however, has been different with its mild temperatures making certain areas in the roads seem unsafe. But the winter road workers, many of them I know, are saying they are safe. I have learned to trust them from past experience. So, in a few days, I will be stepping out in faith and driving. I have always felt God’s blessing when I step out in faith. I certainly am not comparing myself to these Magi, or wise men as we know them, but I have had to ask myself again while thinking of the Christmas story, just how much am I willing to risk and willing to give while serving and worshiping Jesus?

My challenge to you this Advent season is to be a little more like the Magi than ever before as you stand up in faith again this year. No matter what “ice road” or “desert path” He leads you on, follow it. You will be blessed!

 Dear Lord, we thank you again for the great gift of Your Son, Jesus, and that You have given us the thrill of following Him. Please give us faith to step out in new ways this season as we desire to follow the star You have set before each of us! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Rick Martin, Manitoba, Canada


No Longer Lost in the Dark


Preparation for the Heart: November 29