Thy Kingdom Come: : Spiritual Warriors Prayer, Part 2

This is week two in a seven-week study on the Lord's Prayer, or as Pastor Ricky Jacob likes to call it: the Spiritual Warriors Prayer. Need to start at the beginning? Read Part 1 here.

Listen to the Devotion:

Thy Kingdom Come
Ricky Jacob

There once was a warrior who was great in the sight of his master the king of Aram, present day Syria. Why was he so great? He was great because God who created him had given him victory in battle. The irony of this story: this victory came against God’s chosen people, the tribe of Israel. This warrior’s name was Naaman.

Undoubtedly, victorious battle commanders have only seen victory because their Creator allowed them such an outcome. And yet, one should not conclude that God was ultimately on their side, or in this case that He was against His own chosen people. Nor does this indicate that God’s kingdom would, in the end, come to the earthly victor! One who serves his country in battle does not have his or her ticket punched to live in paradise. Such an individual who thinks he deserves paradise is sadly and tragically mistaken.

The Spiritual Warrior’s prayer, as I like to call the prayer that Jesus gave to his disciples, includes this petition: Thy Kingdom Come

The kingdom of God certainly comes by itself without our prayer, but we pray in this petition that it may come to us also.

God’s kingdom comes when our heavenly Father gives us His Holy Spirit so that by His grace we believe His Holy Word and lead godly lives here in time and there in eternity.

Jesus, God’s only Son, was a spiritual warrior who made the way, the only way, for God’s kingdom to come to you. Jesus shed his holy and innocent blood and gave up His perfect life so that each and every one who believes in Him has the blessed assurance of a place in God’s kingdom. When Jesus returns as the victorious warrior king, He will welcome home every spiritual warrior who prays this petition and who follows his commanding officer, Jesus.

A place in God’s kingdom comes to those who have placed their faith, their hope, in the One who was victorious over sin, death, and the devil. Jesus rose victoriously and offers you His kingdom today. It is my prayer that when I pray ‘Thy kingdom come’ that you, too, my friend would live in His kingdom, now and forever!

Read Part 3: Thy Will Be Done


Thank You, Stranger


Luke 5:4-5 FNV