Lent Begins Tomorrow


It gives me great pleasure to share the Lutheran Indian Ministries 2017 Lent Devotion series with you.

If this were Advent, you would have seen reminders of it everywhere – “Jesus is the reason for the season.”  Because the celebration of Christmas, as a remembrance of Christ’s birth, has become entangled with the secular celebration, many people need constant reminders to refocus on Him and not on gifts or food, our loved ones or ourselves.

But this is Lent, and Lent is for true believers. There is no secular equivalent for Lent and no secular distraction for Lent. It is a time of reflection and preparation. In recent times, many Christians observing Lent have elected to “give up” something as part of their personal holy preparation.  Too often, it seems this sacrifice has been done in public and has resulted in giving others an opportunity to scrutinize or even admire our religious self-control. When this happens, it’s time to remind everyone that this isn’t about me, and I’m not doing this for you.  Even in Lent, “Jesus is the reason for the season.”

Jesus is never out of season. 

Winter, spring, summer, or fall, we need Him! Whether it’s warm and spring flowers are blooming or the cold winter winds are blowing, we need Him. When it’s hot and humid and when the trees are shedding their leaves, we need Him. Every day and through every season, we need Jesus’ grace and mercy – his forgiveness and his sacrificial gift of salvation.

Jesus is the reason for EVERY season!

We are richly blessed by your interest and support of Lutheran Indian Ministries. Our staff is grateful for your prayers and gifts. Because of you, we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, disciple others, and facilitate healing in a way that affirms Native cultures in every one of God’s seasons. Thank you.

May God bless you always,

Tim Young Eagle, CFRE
Executive Director

P.S. We have changed our format in an attempt to dig deeper and grow closer to Jesus during this season. We have dated the weeks to start on each Sunday with additional reading throughout the week. We will send you the devotion as well as all the reading on Monday, with reminders throughout the week. We’d love to hear your feedback on our new layout!
Email Jess: jmeulendyke@lutheranindianministries.org -or- call us at 888-783-5267



Stirring the Ashes: Ash Wednesday


Being Used by God, Tip #9: Be God-Confident - Monday Morning Devotion