Stories of Reflection, Restoration and Renewal
I Know My Redeemer Lives
Even in the most difficult of days, we can find relief and hope in these comforting words as we trust in our Redeemer to see us through
The Power of Prayer
If someone wants to describe adequately the usefulness of pious, earnest prayer, he will, in my opinion, surely find a beginning more easily than a conclusion.
Spiritual Guidelines
Today I would like you to reflect on what you will teach your family when it comes to spiritual guidelines.
The Making of Spiritual Warrior
Today's focus is on 'The Making of a Spiritual Warrior.' The training to make someone into a Spiritual Warrior is not a one-time event, nor is it a program to be completed. It is a cyclical ongoing and lifelong endeavor.
A Heart for Natives: Faith for the Reservations
Our next series of Monday Morning Devotions will focus on praying for our Native American brothers and sisters, particularly those living on reservations.
Discovering a New You by Discovering Jesus
You can become a new person this year - a child of God and a citizen of His Kingdom, dedicated to seeking His will every day and in every action.
Hallowed Be Thy Name: Spiritual Warriors Prayer
A young girl who found herself miles from home, away from her family and friends. She had been carried off in a raid of her village by a warrior. In spite of her predicament, this young girl still feared God and honored His holy Name.
The Bunny is Gone, So What's Next?
The Easter ham is gone. The hard-boiled egg shards scatter the floor. The Easter bunny has hopped on. So what do we do now? How do we continue to live in the joy of Easter?