
God Speaks in Native Tongues to Native Hearts

God, the creator of the universe and father of all humankind, speaks to each of us in our heart language.

He knows how to reach and touch each of His children. So it only stands to reason that God has always been speaking to Native American hearts. 


While Native American cultural stories, oral traditions and beliefs vary among nations, tribes and clans, there are a few shared themes. Some mention a great power in the sky from which their people descend. Others attribute the creation of all things to him, along with qualities of goodness, wisdom, and perfection.

God, the creator of the universe and father of all humankind, speaks to each of us in our heart language. He knows how to reach and touch each of His children. So it only stands to reason that God has been speaking to Native American hearts.

This is the very essence of the Gospel… God loves, accepts and reaches out to us where we are, as we are. His Son is His gift, freely given. All we do is receive this gift. It’s that simple. And that profound.

  • Christ, the Bridge

    When Native Americans encounter the Living God through His son, Jesus, and are renewed and empowered by His Holy Spirit, they not only grasp God’s purpose and plan for their lives, many also discover a bridge to their Native culture, traditions and truths.

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A Small Group for Bible-based Trauma Healing

  • Are you or someone you know struggling with grief?

  • Do you have heart wounds that haven’t healed?

  • Are You struggling to forgive someone who hurt you?

  • Want to be better equipped to help others experiencing pain and suffering?

  • Wonder what God word says about your emotional pain?

  • Has it been hard to find people who really care or understand?

Welcome to Sacred Connections: A dialogue on how the Gospel resonates within Native American traditions and values, exploring themes of creation, community, and healing through a blend of interviews, teachings, and storytelling.

Stories of Reflection, Restoration, and Renewal.

Native Focused. Native Led.

To reach Native Americans, God is using Native Americans. Our aim is to prepare Native leaders to share the Gospel with their brothers and sisters. Those who share their heritage and culture. Understand their pain and sorrows. Are intimate with their hardships and struggles. 

Those who are themselves experiencing firsthand the one true answer to all of their peoples’ trauma, abuses, betrayals, and brokenness—the love and forgiveness of Christ.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. –John 3:16
— John 3:16
  • The Father’s Love

    This is our mission. To share this simple, profound, life-changing message of the Gospel with every Native American tribe and nation. To reveal the awe-inspiring extent of the Father’s love for them through the sacrifice of His one and only Son, Jesus.

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Partners in Healing and Hope

We seek to partner with individuals, churches and other ministries who share our heart for sharing Christ with our Native American and Alaska Native brothers and sisters. 

Your gift makes this possible. So please be generous. 

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