Baptism: Special Delivery - Monday Morning Devotions - Week 7

Join Pastor Ricky Jacob as he discusses baptism in this 7-week devotion series.

Need to start at the beginning? Read Week 1 here

Dr. Martin Luther explained the words and promises of Holy Baptism with these words:

Thus the spiritual man, although he is present in all things with his senses, yet in his heart, is entirely withdrawn from these things and dead to all of them. This comes about when a man comes to hate all the things of this life from the very marrow of his bones . . . But we must note that it is not necessary for all men to be found immediately in this state of perfection, as soon as they have been baptized into a death of this kind. For they are baptized "into death," that is, toward death, which is to say, they have begun to live in such a way that they are pursuing this kind of death and reach out toward this their goal. For although they are baptized into eternal life and the kingdom of heaven, yet they do not all at once possess this goal fully, but they have begun to act in such a way that they may attain to it--for Baptism was established to direct us toward death and through this death to life--therefore it is necessary that we come to it in the order which has been prescribed.       [AE:25:312]

The Old You and the New You - David Loy

God uses Baptism to wash away your sins. Whatever sins you have-past, present, and even future-were paid for when Jesus dies on the cross, and in Baptism His sacrifice is applied to you. His blood covers you. His forgiveness is sufficient-more than sufficient-for you. There is not a sin in the world that Jesus did not pay for, and so there is not a sin in the world that Baptism does not wash away. In Baptism, you receive the new life of a child of God. You become a coheir with Jesus of everlasting life. The Spirit fills you and moves you. You are a new creation, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, you begin to live as that new creation, that coheir of Jesus, that child of God.

Remember that you are baptized and that your old, sinful self was put to death. And then, enlivened by the forgiveness that God gave you in Baptism, embrace the good works God's Spirit works in you.

We pray: God of all grace, we thank You for the gift of Baptism. In it, You forgive our sins, make us Your dear children, and give us Your Holy Spirit. Grant that we who have received this gift may live each day in repentance and new life. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Baptism: Week 7
Pastor Ricky Jacob

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Baptism: Special Delivery - Monday Morning Devotions - Week 6