Does God Still Perform Miracles?
Does God Still Perform Miracles?
There are days you might ask: does God still perform miracles?
No, we don't have a man walking around turning water into wine or healing the blind with a touch, but great big God miracles are still happening.
Doctors create devices to help the deaf hear and perform surgeries to help the blind see.
Scientists have methods to turn undrinkable water into safe water for whole communities.
Diseases that were once deadly can now be healed (or be prevented all together).
These could just be attributed to advances in science and medicine, but who gave those scientists and doctors the ability and the drive to do these things for the betterment of the world? Only God.
There are currently 5.4 million American Indian and Alaska Natives in the United States, and less than 5% of them know Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior.
Need a visual:
At the LCMS Convention in Milwaukee
Our job is to move the marbles into the second jar without lossing any along the way.
Missionaries and pastors dedicate their lives to telling Native Americans about the love and grace of Jesus, not for their own benefit but for the benefit of those they minister.
Churches take groups to help Native communities. Organizations provide much needed counseling. Schools provide the education to raise up leaders.
On a smaller scale... everyday neighbors reach out to help a struggling mom or an elderly couple, not for themselves, only to help.
So, why is it that some people don't see these as miracles from God? Probably because we're often too busy to stop and look at the big picture. Everyday people are doing good deeds for each other.
The fact that God programmed us to want to help others, sanctifies these works, and allows us to glorify Him while doing it... that in itself is a miracle!
In 2014, despite still working out of a recession, $316 billion (yes - with a B) were donated to non-profit organizations by individuals to help others in their communities.
These reminders of God's everyday miracles are what we cling to in Native Ministry. We can't force churches to help. We can't command people to give to LIM. We can't make people follow Christ. The only way we can do this is through hard work and LOTS of prayer.
We thank God for the miracle of support that you have shown to LIM and ask in the upcoming week if you wouldn't mind throwing out an extra prayer for strength and motivation for our ministry and office staff, but more importantly for the Native people.
As Rick McCafferty (Inupiaq, LIM staff in Alaska) said: "This job is much too big for us, but isn't too big for God."
Thank you for being an everyday miracles!