The Fisherman's Leap-Monday Devotion

The Fisherman’s Leap

When we are called by God, it is often out of our grasp of understanding, comfort, and everything this world has taught us is normal. 

When Jesus called His disciples to come and follow Him, it was out of complete faith that they stopped everything they were doing and listened. They were willing to take a giant leap of faith to be with Him. Imagine how much different their lives would have been if they hadn’t listened, the blessings they would have missed and the road to salvation they would have squandered for themselves and others.

Take Simon, for example. He was a fisherman. His father and grandfather were most likely fishermen. He had been fishing his entire life. He was born to fish. He knew his boat. He knew the water. He was a hard worker. Then one day, this man named Jesus shows up. 

Simon was probably thinking: I have been out here all night fishing and have not caught a single fish and you want me to go back into the water with my net? I am tired, and I want to go home. I have been out on these waters since I was a small child—I know what I’m doing! 

But what did Simon do? He said, “You say to put the nets in the water; so I will.” They caught so many fish that their nets began to break, and their boats almost sank. Simon, James, and John were in utter amazement and immediately left everything to follow Jesus.

When we are called by God, when He quickens our spirit, we must listen. We must get up and go like Simon. We must leave our familiar, our comfort zone, even if the details are not all worked out, and put our trust in Jesus and the plans He has for us. 

Our faith walk with Jesus Christ is full of excitement, adventure, endurance, and perseverance.  God is our Father, and He knows what is best for us. All we have to do is listen. Then, we need to put our nets in the water, one last time, and be willing to leave everything to go and to follow. 

Thank you, God, for putting passion into my heart and calling me to follow you into the unknown. Give me strength to persevere in the job you have given me in your Kingdom.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Bob (Rosebud Sioux) & Deon Prue

Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him." Luke 5:10-11 (NIV)


This Week in Native American News - June 3, 2016


FNV Verse - Luke 8:21 FNV