Confession and Absolution - Week 2 (Monday Morning Devotions)

As we dive into the New Year, as well as prepare for the season of Lent, Pastor Ricky Jacob leads us through a devotion series on Confession and Absolution.

Need to start at week 1: Read it here

Last week, I brought up the topic of one's inability to 'forgive themselves.' We all should admit that we have failed to love our neighbor as ourselves. We all should admit that we have failed to love our Creator with all our heart, mind, soul and strength! One's failure to love is 'sin' or rebellion against the will of our Creator. One's failure to admit or to own up to one's rebellious ways is to call God a liar. The apostle John put it this way:

If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar
and his word has no place in our lives.
(1st John 1:10)

Have you ever thought that by denying your sin is calling God a liar? By calling God a liar you place yourself in the position of rejecting His Sacred Word. God's Word as revealed through Holy Scriptures is being judged by you. You are then picking and choosing what part or parts you would accept or reject - and by so doing you are calling God a liar when he says that going against His will is wrong!

I would like to take this one step further. When one rejects the mercy of God in the forgiveness of sin offered by grace through faith in Jesus, one also calls God a liar! When one is unable or unwilling to forgive themselves one is rejecting God's mercy.

When one rejects Jesus as one's Lord and Savior, one rejects Him who sent Jesus. One rejects Creator God's offer of forgiveness of one's sin. If one thinks or is lead to believe that he or she needs to do his or her part to be pardoned by God, then Jesus has not done enough.

If one thinks or is lead to believe that he or she needs to do his or her part to be pardoned by God, then one's forgiveness is in doubt. One will wonder did I do enough, is my faith strong enough, or is my sin way too much for God's grace. In all of these examples, one is calling God's mercy into question. In other words, one is calling God a liar!

It is time for some Good News. We return to the apostle John's words:

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1st John 1:9).

Note well who is faithful - God is faithful and just. God sent His Son to take your place and my place on the cross and offers you forgiveness. By God's mercy when you confess or own up to your rebellious ways you are cleansed from all unrighteousness. That is Good News!

Confession and Absolution - Week 2 (Monday Morning Devotions)
Pastor Ricky Jacob

We are ambassadors


Confession and Absolution - Week 1 (Monday Morning Devotions)