Confession and Absolution - Week 3 (Monday Morning Devotions)

As we dive into the New Year, as well as prepare for the season of Lent, Pastor Ricky Jacob leads us through a devotion series on Confession and Absolution.

Need to start at week 1: Read it here

I have been addressing the issue of forgiveness and one's inability to 'forgive themselves.' Today I want to shift the focus to one thinking that sin is no BIG DEAL. You have heard it said and maybe even said it yourself: 'Everybody does it.' Or sin is 'NOT A PROBLEM!' That sounds much like a waiter or waitress when you make a special request. To be honest with you - sin is a problem. God's Word reveals that the 'wages of sin is death.'

It is unfathomable for us to understand what this world was like prior to sin entering the world. When the first man and the first woman were formed out of the dust of the earth by Creator God, they were living in paradise. Having been created in the image of God they were like God and holy.

They had absolutely no cares in the world. There was neither hunger or thirst, it was neither too cold or too hot weather. Like the items of Baby Bear in the story of the Three Bears: everything was just right.

All that changed when they ate from the one and the only tree that was forbidden by Creator God to eat from. This tree was called the tree of the knowledge of 'good and evil.' One bite and the worst day ever happened. By their disobedience death came into paradise. The first man and the first woman were driven out of paradise.

Following their fall God promised to send someone, an offspring of the first woman, to pay for man's sin through His innocent suffering and death! This offspring is none other than Jesus, born of a woman and yet the very Son of Creator God.

Jesus crushed the head of the Deceiver who had tempted the first man and the first woman to eat the forbidden fruit. He did it when he suffered the consequences of their actions - their rebellious, disobedient ways.

Jesus hung suffering the ultimate - being cursed by God and as a human being crying out at being forsaken by His heavenly Father. Jesus cries out 'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabathani!' 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!" That was hell - hell on earth. It was all due to a problem, a BIG PROBLEM and it came at a price - the suffering and death of an innocent man-God, Jesus!

'For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.' (Romans 6:23) Through faith in Jesus, one is forgiven and the consequence of our sin and our sinful nature is now no big deal for us. Having come to the realization of our sin and what price Jesus paid for it, we have peace with God.

Confession and Absolution - Week 3 (Monday Morning Devotions)
Pastor Ricky Jacob

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