Prayer: What does Johann Gerhard say? (Week 5)

Join us as Pastor Ricky Jacob explores the 400-year old writings of Johann Gerhard and his thoughts on prayer.

Start at the beginning: Week 1

Gerhard wrote: There are four immovable truths on which our confidence to pray rests. Because of these, we may be certain that our heavenly Father mercifully hears our prayers.  Today we will look at Christ's intercession as our mediator.

Gerhard wrote: The third truth that assures us that God favorably hears our prayers is Christ's intercession as our mediator. He is "at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us" (Romans 8:34), and is our "advocate with the Father" (1st John 2:1). What will the heavenly Father deny to His beloved Son? What will our gracious Savior not obtain by the power and merit of His satisfaction accomplished for us? The shrine of heaven stands open to Him. Christ delivers our prayers to the secret council of God. Will the Father not hear Him? Will He refuse anything to Him? Will He not hear Himself? Will He refuse Himself anything? The Father and the Son "are one" (John 10:30). The Son is "at the Father's side" (John 1:18). And "the Father is in [Christ] and [Christ is] in the Father" (John 10:38; 14:10). Christ our intercessor says to the Father, "I knew that You always hear Me" (John 11:42). If Christ was heard by the Father while He walked the earth as God in the flesh, appearing in weakness in the state of humiliation (Philippians 2:7), the Father will certainly hear Christ now in His state of exaltation (Philippians 4:10) as He rules in all the glory of His majesty and as He exercises the full measure of His power.

Gerhard taught the following benefits of prayer:

•    [Prayer] is a nurse that nurtures virtue and conquers faults.

•    It is a great fortification for the soul and gives free access to God.

•    It upholds the world and rescues people.

•    [Prayer] calms the conscience and increases our thankfulness.

I close with this thought from Johann Gerhard:

Whoever is truly a child of God through faith will, with childlike trust, address his or her heavenly Father every day in prayer. The one in whose heart the Holy Spirit has made His home will, as a spiritual priest, daily offer to God this incense of prayer.

Johann Gerhard & Prayer - Week 5
Pastor Ricky Jacob

Prayer: What does Johann Gerhard say? (Week 6)


Prayer: What does Johann Gerhard say? (Week 4)