Prayer: What does Johann Gerhard say? (Week 4)

Join us as Pastor Ricky Jacob explores the 400-year old writings of Johann Gerhard and his thoughts on prayer.

Start at the beginning: Week 1

Gerhard wrote: There are four immovable truths on which our confidence to pray rests. Because of these, we may be certain that our heavenly Father mercifully hears our prayers. Today we will look at God's unfailing truthfulness.

Gerhard wrote: God graciously promises us that He will listen intently when we pray. This promise is a word of eternal and immovable truth because God is truth itself (John 14:6). God cannot deny Himself or His word (2nd Timothy 2:13). God promises that He will favorably hear our prayers. As if this were not enough, Christ also affirmed it by swearing an oath. He said to the apostles, and through them to anyone else who truly believes, "Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He will give it to you" (John 16:23). If you do not believe God the Father's promise, believe Christ, who swears the oath. "You have said, 'Seek My face.' My heart says to You, "Your face, Yahweh, do I seek.'" (Psalm 27:8).

If I were to say to you 'I tell you the truth.' Would you believe me? Your tendency may be to take me at my word. However, truth be told I have not always been honest, with myself or with others. Lord have mercy on me. The good news is that God is truth. God cannot or will not tell a lie. You can place your trust in Him. You can place your life in Him. And you can know full well that God not only hears your prayers, but it is also His will to bless you in the best possible way - as we pray 'Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.'

Gerhard taught the following benefits of prayer:

•    [Prayer] is a sword against the devil and a defense against misfortune.

•    It is a garden of happiness and a tree full of delights.

•    It sends demons running and draws angels close.

•    [Prayer] is a foretaste of the life to come and sweetens the bitterness of death.

I close with this thought from Johann Gerhard:

Whoever is truly a child of God through faith will, with childlike trust, address his or her heavenly Father every day in prayer. The one in whose heart the Holy Spirit has made His home will, as a spiritual priest, daily offer to God this incense of prayer.     

Johann Gerhard & Prayer - Week 4
Pastor Ricky Jacob

Prayer: What does Johann Gerhard say? (Week 5)


The Hope of New Life - Monday Morning Devotions (Week 3)