I Know My Redeemer Lives - Devotion 6 - Monday Morning Devotions

Join us as Pastor Ricky Jacob, serving the Winnebago people in Nebraska, explores the life of Job and the truth of our Risen Lord.

Start at Week 1

He lives, my kind, wise, heav’nly friend; 
He lives and loves me to the end;
He lives, and while He lives, I’ll sing; 
He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King.
(Samuel Medley, 1783-1799, abr.)

One of the greatest feelings in this world is the feeling of being loved! Many a tough day is turned around by a kind, encouraging loving word, or smile, or hug from a friend. The very word 'friend' - can make all the difference in the world. Yes, being called or referred to as being someone's 'best friends' means that you are not alone. There is someone who is willing to come alongside you, to give you a helping hand, or a listening ear.

 My definition of a true friend is someone who is not always there when you want him or her, but who is there when you need him or her. In other words, this type of friend has other places to go, other things to do and is not always right beside you; however, when the going gets tough and when a crisis comes crashing down on you - your true friend will drop everything else to be there when you need him or her.

 Now when it comes to Jesus being a true friend - He even goes beyond and above this definition. You see Jesus, being true God, can be and is everywhere. Jesus has promised to be with you always - even to the end of the age. Jesus truly lives and loves you to the end!

 And what vocations what roles does He live and serve you? Jesus is often referred to as the Christ - the Anointed One - or in Hebrew 'The Messiah!" As the Christ - Jesus served and continues to serve as prophet, as priest and as king.

 As a prophet of God, Jesus spoke the truth and enlightened those who heard Him preach and teach. The Gospel readings often speak regarding Jesus' teaching being marveled at because He taught as One who had authority. Not only that, but Jesus also fulfilled the words of the prophets of God.

Jesus as a priest offers up prayers on behalf of those who call upon Him. As priest Jesus not only offered up compassionate words for our sake; Jesus, as priest, offered up Himself as the sinless sacrifice for the sin of the world so that everyone who believes in Him will be saved!

Finally, Jesus lives as King - and as King He has promised to share His glory, His kingdom with you! Jesus ascended into heaven, into His kingdom, but assures us that He lives on and will one day return and take us to be with Him forever and ever.

Please pray with me: Almighty God, through the glorious resurrection of Your Son, Jesus Christ, You destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light. Grant that we who have been raised with Him may abide in His presence and rejoice in the hope of everlasting life; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

The Resurrection of Our Lord - Wednesday

Move to Week 7

I Know My Redeemer Lives #6
Pastor Ricky Jacob

I Know My Redeemer Lives - Devotion 7 - Monday Morning Devotions


I Know My Redeemer Lives - Devotion 5 - Monday Morning Devotions