I Know My Redeemer Lives - Devotion 5 - Monday Morning Devotions

Join us as Pastor Ricky Jacob, serving the Winnebago people in Nebraska, explores the life of Job and the truth of our Risen Lord.

Start at Week 1

He lives to silence all my fears; 
He lives to wipe away my tears;
He lives to calm my troubled heart; 
He lives all blessings to impart.
(Samuel Medley, 1783-1799, abr.)

One of the things that can overwhelm us, that can freeze us into inaction is fear. Many people are burdened with the fear of the unknown. Fear is all too real when we get the news of another COVID19 infection becoming known in our state, our region, our county, or in our town. If you are one of those who have either been infected by the killer virus or had a loved one or friend tested positive FEAR takes on new meaning.

And it doesn't have to be COVID19 - it could be Cancer, or a stroke, a heart attack. For parents, there is fear when your child becomes of age and begins driving. When the tornado siren goes off - Fear can once again surface and come to the forefront.

On the first Easter morning, the disciples awoke and lived in fear. They locked their doors and were afraid to go out lest they are arrested, thrown in prison, beaten, flogged, or crucified themselves. Yes, these trained disciples were living in fear.

Jesus changed all that when He arose from the dead. He lived and appeared to silence the fears of his closest friends, his brothers and sister through faith in Him. He did more than silence their fears - He turned their fear to joy and gladness!

Yes, He wiped away their tears of sorrow and worry. Jesus lives on and on to do the same for you and for me today, tomorrow, and always.

Jesus lives to calm your troubled hearts. One of my favorite stories that speak on this subject is when a terrible storm came out of nowhere while Jesus and his disciples, several of them experienced fishermen were in a boat. Do you recall where Jesus was and what He was doing? Jesus was in the stern of the boat fast asleep. The disciples were deeply troubled. With a word, Jesus rebuked the wind and the water, as well as the hearts of his disciples, became calm.

Jesus lives to give you a good conscious through the forgiveness of your sin. With the forgiveness of one's sin - you have peace. Peace with your Creator and the comfort of knowing you are on the road to life everlasting.

Please pray with me: Almighty God through the resurrection of Your Son You have secured peace for our troubled consciences. Grant us this peace evermore that trusting in the merit of Your Son we may come at last to the perfect peace of heaven; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

The Resurrection of Our Lord - Tuesday

Move to Week 6

I Know My Redeemer Lives #5
Pastor Ricky Jacob

I Know My Redeemer Lives - Devotion 6 - Monday Morning Devotions


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