This Week in Native American News (7/5/19): Happy 4th of July Weekend
July 5, 2019 - Happy 4th of July Weekend!
Do American Indians celebrate the 4th of July?
The Pawnee Indian Veterans Homecoming Pow Wow recognizes returning military servicemen and women. Pawnee, Oklahoma. The 71st annual Pawnee homecoming took place this year from June 29 to July 2. Photo courtesy of Pius Spottedhorsechief, vice president of the Pawnee Indian Veterans.
As Americans everywhere celebrate the 4th of July, many American Indians are taking their yearly vacations back to their reservations and home communities. All across Indian Country, tribes hold modern celebrations— including powwows, rodeos, and homecomings—that coincide with the United States’ Independence Day celebrations.
Read the Full Story Here
Just as each tribe has their own culture and traditions, Native peoples vary in their feelings toward Independence Day. Read more…
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